Wednesday, June 4, 2008

SharePoint Portal administration service was not starting

I have now experienced this issue at multiple customers so wanted to get this out there.

After Installing few Windows server 2003 updates, SharePoint Portal administration service was not starting on all Sharepoint servers.


Sharepoint Portal server 2007Medium server farm

We changed following registry settings on the Sharepoint servers:

Added:HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control change DWORD value ServicesPipeTimeout and assign 60000 (i.e. 60 thousand which means 60 seconds)

Modified:Increse value of in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control string value WaitToKillServiceTimeout to 120000 (120 thousand which means 120 seconds)

Rebooted the server.

Found that Sharepoint portal Administration service is running fine on the server.

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